Monday, December 27, 2010

Final Update: 2010 Hair Resolutions! How Did I Do?

Okay, here is the nit & grit of my 2011 Hair Resolutions!
1. Moisturize and seal my hair with oil everytime it's dry. I slacked on this in '09... (Check!) 2. Continue to wash and deep condition my hair 1-2 times a week. (Check!) 3. Do more search and destroys. (I cut my hair in a bob so....Check!) 4. Buy more hair accessories. My current hair toy stash is (Check! I've bought about 3-5 headbands!) 5. Reach apl (arm pit length hair) and then move towards bsl (bra strap length). (Who would've thought by the end of the year I'd be preggie and thinking about transitioning??? I did reach apl though.) 6. Try (note: keyword "try") to only flat iron every other relaxer. Again, the keyword is try. lol (Let's be real... I didn't do this at all.) 7. Continue to relax every 8-10 weeks. (Check! This was easy...) 8. Finally, make an appointment for a dominican blow-out (rollerset and blow out of roots only). (Never did this and I didn't find one in Houston : \) 9. Keep protective styling. It's boring, but it works. (Check!) 10. Continue to try out new hair styles! This is such a must. (Check! I've been a hairstylin' fool esp. this summer!) 11. Experiment with oiling my scalp with evco (extra virgin coconut oil). (Check! And I believe this has cured my dandruff.) 3rd Update: All in all I think I did pretty good. I achieved 8 of 11 of my 2010 Hair Resolutions. The year is not over yet so I still have a chance to do the rest of the stuff. ;-)
FINAL UPDATE: I did really well! I achieved 9 out of 11 of my hair resolutions! I found this hair resolution list to be very motivational. Are you making one for 2011?? I am! :D :D :D
Photo credit:
Make sure you are following me on Twitter & Facebook for more of my ramblings about hair and anything else I want to talk about. :-)

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