Tomiko Fraser: Just started following her on Twitter and she is so inspirational!
1. When I flat iron my hair, my roots revert back so quickly! Like the next day!
2. My roots are taking over my relaxed hair. The natural hair is wayyyy stronger than the relaxed hair.
3. EXTREMELY DRY HAIR. #enoughsaid
4. My hair tangles like nobody's business.
5. I think about cutting my relaxed ends off everyday!!! I've even actually dreamed of doing it.
6. It's so hard to part my hair!! I just part with my fingers now...
This is all I've noticed so far. I'm sure there's more to come. ;-)
How many/weeks post relaxer are you now?
Wishing you the best with your transition.
I've been transitioning for about 10 months now and I wanted to share some of the tricks that work for me. I found to best way to handle the two textures is to flat iron. I wash or cowash weekly using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, then I deep condition EVERY week, this step makes a huge difference. To prevent reverting, use a creme press like Kera Care before flat ironing.
@Anon I'm 5 and a half months post relaxer. Thanks!
@Katrina 10 months?! Wow, what an accomplishment! Hats off to you. ;-) Yes girl! I've been flat ironing like crazy, lol. A little too much. I usually do it when i have somewhere to go, but i leave it straight for about a week. I also use a sulfate free shampoo too & dc regularly. I've never tried Kera Care, but I'll be sure to look for it on my next trip to the beauty store! :-) Thanks for the tips!
Chica, link her twitter page! Someone you follow is definitely someone that I want to follow.
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