Sunday, September 11, 2011

Repost: Hair Length Chart!

This post remains one of my most popular posts. Why? Folks wanna see the hair length chart. Figured I'd repost it for any ladies out there looking for a way to chart their hair growth. :-)

(Originally posted on 10/5/2008)
This is a chart that anyone can use to track their growth. I am trying to get to apl or arm pit length right now. That's not on there, but it's basically the arm pit. This chart is compliments of This is a big help to anyone trying to grow their hair out! 

Make sure you are following me on Twitter & Facebook for more of my ramblings about hair and anything else I want to talk about. :-)


Best Hair Wax said...

If your hair was between shoulder length and bra-strap length, or if you wanted your hair to be in between those lengths, what would you call it?

Kenya said...

Great question! It's not listed on the chart but that's called below shoulder blade or bsb.