So here we are on the last day of 2010. This year went by so fast! Around this same time last year if you remember I quit my job with the plan to start my own company. Remember this
post? I haven't updated you all with what's going on with that because it's not really progressing the way I thought it would. I did achieve some of my goals for HairGurl......
- Total redesign to the blog
- Business cards! (will post those soon as I'm very proud of them)
- Didn't plan on creating a Youtube, but I'm glad I did
....but not all...I really wanted to start posting everyday. : \ I really slacked on this between us moving twice this year & me just going through my own stuff. Now that we're settled finally, I'm more into the groove of posting. I was hosting monthly contests, but that got to be too expensive. I'm very grateful for the companies that began sponsoring my giveways and sending me products for reveiws. :-) So 2010 wasn't a complete bust.
I'm going to continue to grow
HairGurl into my ultimate dream of opening my own beauty supply boutique! Yep! So now you guys finally know what my ultimate goal is for
HairGurl. :-)
HairGurl, the blog, would still be here though. ;-) I realized a couple of years ago that I wanted to open a beauty supply boutique after a conversation with my husband. I'd come home irritated
again because I couldn't get sufficient help with a haircare product in a Korean run beauty supply store . It really baffled me how they could own a store and not know a damn thing about any of the products. The hubs asked me "Why don't you just open your own beauty supply store?" I thought, "Why couldn't I?" And so my mission began.
The boutique is not something I just want to do. It's my dream. I finally know what I want my career to be & for 2011 I'm going to continue to work towards my dream. I'm done beating myself up because things aren't going as fast as I would like them to go. That's just #impatientme I guess.
For 2011, I'm going to do a better job at updating you all on my boutique progress because I want you all to be involved in it. Thank you so much for supporting me & continually reading my posts. It means more than you can imagine. It really does. :-) So here's to another year of growing, learning, achieving, and just trying to be the best me I can be. Always remember no matter how hard it is, continue to work towards your dreams. I'm learning that every little step counts. Don't settle. You deserve more. ;-)
Have a Happy New Year ya'll! :-)
Make sure you are following me on
Twitter &
Facebook for more of my ramblings about hair and anything else I want to talk about. :-)

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