Friday, April 13, 2012

1st Braid Out on Natural Hair!

Look at Bopee Bo! She looked so pretty in her little dress.

Owwwww. The back. Man, I wanna go back and get the purple & blue colors too!

Dress snagged at Ross for $9. Oh and I experimented white nails! :-) I'm surprised the hubs didn't say anything crazy like, "Why do you have white out on your nails?"

These were taken at Khloa's 1st birthday party & throughout the day. I don't think I have a good pic of the braid out when I first separated the braids at the beginning of the day. Too busy running around! This was done on flat ironed hair...told ya'll I would be doing it for real this time! Throughout the day, my hair did fluff out a little on it's own & you guys already know I loved it! LOL, the bigger, the better. Hopefully, we'll have the pics back from the photographer in the next week so I post the celebration (the cake smash & the party pics)! I've already posted a few on the Facebook page. ;-) Check them out! I have wayyyyy more pics to post!

Make sure you are following me on Twitter & Facebook for more of my ramblings about hair and anything else I want to talk about. :-)


** Empress D** said...

You and your daughter look so beautiful! love how your matching :-)
It seems like yesterday when you were pregnant with your twa!
Hope she had a great b-day!

LaQT/ Ty said...

I agree with Ms. D. You both look beautiful. I love the dress too! The back is nice!!!! Your braid out is so voluminous.