Originally posted on 1/31/2009, I wrote in the comments on the original post that I wouldn't be doing a bc...& here I sit 6 months after my bc. Ain't life funny? Ironically, I bc'ed January 20, 2011...almost exactly 2 years after the original post. I love looking back & seeing how I've grown in different areas of my life. :-)
I'm so confused...Today I pre-pooed, clarified, and dc'ed my hair. I never really prepoo but today I thought I would try it out. My hair feels great! I'm 14.5 weeks post....remember when I told ya'll I was trying to stretch to 16 weeks? Well, I was going to relax my hair this coming Wed. (at 15 weeks post) because I have an event to attend on Feb. 7th. However.....I've been playing in my newgrowth basically all day and it feels so nice. The texture is very pretty and I'm curious as to how my hair would look like this all over! I see why some ladies transition....Now I'm confused as to whether I want to transition or relax... I know right!
I've always wanted to go natural, but I didn't think now was the time to do it....but now I really don't know.
What's a girl to do? This is a really hard decision...
LOL. When I started my journey a couple years ago, I said I would never go natural. Why? Texlaxing is the best of both worlds. I even avoided most natural hair videos on youtube. Why watch them? I'm never going natural. LMAO as I sit here with kinky twists (first for me) almost 11 months post and ready to BC at either 12 or 13 months post (basically once I take thee twists down!) I'm sooo happy with my decision even though I have yet to really see what my hair looks like, I love how it feels ;) It truly is the best decision for me and my hair, hands down.
YES girl! I always knew i would go natural. Just didn't know when! haha. It's funny how we change our minds on different things...especially hair! Please let me know when you bc. I'd love to see your hair!
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