1. What city can we find you twirling your hair? Philly
2. Favorite food? Quesadillas, especially ones from Mad Mex or Qdoba...yummmm!
3. Relaxed or natural? I have been natural for five years now
4. How do you keep your hair looking fly? What's your hair care regimen? My hair style depends on my mood and my environment. If I'm going to work, you're more than likely to see me with a braidout or a bun. If I am going out with the girls, I am more than likely rocking a banana clip styled fro-hawk or a high bun. Also, I use accessories to accentuate my hair styles. Big earrings can add instant glam to a hairstyle. My regimen involves using a deep conditioning treatment weekly. I currently use Cream of Nature Argan Oil Conditioning Treatment. I love to mix my deep conditioners with oils such as olive oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil, vitamin E oil, etc. I recently purchased Hot 6 Oil, which has a long list of oils. It makes my oil and deep conditioner mix even easier these days. Another part of my regimen is my monthly henna treatments. Henna helps to strengthen and soften my hair. Since I use braidouts more often than any other hairstyle, my regimen for that is using Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque as a leave-in (rather than as a deep conditioner), oil, and Kinky Curly Spiraling Spritz for hold. I have not mastered second day hair so I am left with rebraiding my hair nightly in about 6 braids to maintain this hairstyle.

5. What's the craziest thing you've ever done to your hair? Last summer I tried a semi-permanent hair color, but it did not work. That same night I put a permanent honey blonde color into my hair. It was insanely bright. Soon after I started using henna and the blonde was then replaced with a reddish color. Thank God I have not had any setbacks in this brief and insane hair experiment **crossing my fingers**!
6. What are your fave hair products? Currently, my favorite hair products are Shea Moisture's Deep Treatment Masque or Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing Smoothie , Hot 6 Oil, Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor, Giovanni Direct Leave In, Kinky Curly Curling Custard, and Kinky Curly Spiraling Spritz, Shea Butter, and Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel. I also love my wide tooth comb. I don't know where I bought it from or if I "borrowed" it from one of my friends but it has been with me since college. Oh yes...and my banana clips!
7. What is the hair product, tool, or accessory that you absolutely can not live with out? I absolutely could not live without my Shea Butter. Winter is a rough season for my hair and without Shea Butter I would probably be bald. It significantly helped me to retain moisture in those cold and dry winter months.
8. Favorite hairstyle? Definitely the braidout. Most days that I am like, wow...this braidout is thebomb.com. Then every once in a while my braidouts come out looking like an epic fail. I guess that's just life...
9. What's your favorite color? Right now...Pink. It changes often.
10. The best season for my hair is Summer because the humidity and the warmer temperatures takes my braidouts to larger volumes. I love when my hair swells in this weather. I never complain about the weather in the Summer ruining my hair style. Also, I can wash my hair, put it into a wet bun and go out the door without having to worry about getting sick.
11. The worst season for my hair is Winter because it zaps every ounce of moisture out of my hair. It takes so much patience for me to pump my hair with the moisture that it needs in the winter.
13. The best thing about my hair is its diversity. My hair is a mixture of textures. At times this annoys me, especially since I want to wear wash-n-gos soooo bad. But I realize that the mixture of textures makes my hair unique. It has its own personality. And the manipulation of hairstyles such as braidouts helps me to achieve the look that I want.
Love the thickness of your hair!!! I was staring at the 1st pic in awe. Girl, braidouts are my fave hairstyle too! I too LOVE how my hair swells in the summer. The humidity takes it to a whole 'nother level. #bighair Thanks for allowing me to feature you Danielle!
Got a magnificent head of hair? Let's see it ladies! Shoot me an email at thehairgurl@yahoo.com.
1 comment:
Sorry ladies, but I have to post on this post:)
Danielle, I think this will go down as one of my favorite healthy hair icon post, but it has nothing to do with your hair. it's the fact that you love quesadillas!!!!
I would give them a 10 on a 10 point scale. I have been wanting to try Qdoba because I heard from someone else they are good, but the best I've tasted so far is from Ruby Tuesday (buffalo shrimp quesadillas).
And Hairgurl beat me to it, but her fave haristyle is the braidout as well. I hear about it ALL THE TIME!
You can't have a favorite color that changes often...it just doesn't make sense...no offense!
Thanks for the interesting read...That's all...
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